My name is Wendi Diane and I am named after a little girl featured in a toilet paper commercial. My middle name is after my aunt (mom's sister). My father apparently had no say and thought my name was Cindy. I have always liked my name because it is not too common.
Your beautiful new pink lady....I'm thinking Ginger :)
Love the Name Game - Hi my name is Dawn Joy and I was given my first name by the doctor who delivered me... mum was exhausted .. he he... I still keep her busy...lol... an she thought I'd be a boy... sun was rising.. so there is my first name.. i married a Hay and so complained one day about 4 months before we married that my
whole name would have only 7 letters... now it has 10 letters...my DH gave me Joy for my middle name as he said thats what I bought into his life...JOY. such a sweet man...
Now for your baby.... hows about Charlotte.... means little and womanly... just like your little beuty.
Hugs Dawn x x
#5 The Zoo Keeper-ette said...I'm Candice Hope. It took my parents 5 years to have me so the middle was either Hope or Faith. I love the Hope! I love the Candice part too- they both decided long before I was born that they loved that name. They couldn't decide how to spell it though- most were "ace" then. Anywho- they were living in Alaska and had a frozen lake on their porperty during the pregnancy, well year round mostly, and Mom would ice skate tons. So "ice" became the ending. I really like my name. Some people say it's old fashioned, but I think it gives me roots!
And Shasta dear, I am swooning over that machine!! Oh my WOW!! I never knew Singers came in PINK- oh my golly, it's on my list now too- you've officially inspired me :) I just got a new Bernina, so it'll be quite a while, but it doesn't hurt to dream :) Have a marvelous bday!! So happy you're being spoiled rotten :) Now a name, hmmmm...gotta be Candy- cause she's just as sweet and she looks good enough to eat! There ya go! Keeping my fingers crossed for such an awesome giveaway- thanks for the chance :)
#51 Amy said...
Happy Belated Birthday!
My name is Amy. "Plain Jane" Amy. My parents almost named me Jill. Creativity wasn't their strong point :) My middle name is Leigh. Same as my mom's. However, I'm so grateful that I was a girl. Had I been a boy, my name would have been Rocky Logan. Seriously.
As to your beauty, I always like to have a "theme song" that I can hum to while I'm working with it (for example, my car's name is Lola). I think you should name your singer Mrs. Robinson.
I'm Cathi, but my full name is Catherine. All my siblings have strong "substantial names" we weren't supposed to shorten them, but most of us did. My middle name is after my mom, Patricia, and all of my siblings have parental or grandparental middle names, so we're VERY SUBSTANTIAL!!!
Your baby needs to be played with while eating cupcakes, because it's for your birthday, pink ones with sprinkles of course, so I would name her PINKALICIOUS!!!!!!
(BTW what movie did you see the other night when we saw you at the movie theater? We should've gone out for dinner after!) Love ya, and LOVE your store and LOVE your new toy!
Happy Happy Happy B-day
Now go eat some cupcakes :)
Sweet!!! I'm so excited!
5721 W 11450 S
Payson 84651
I'm sooooooo excited!!! I emailed gracielousquilts@gmail.com with my mailing address :) Thanks again :)
Yah! Yah! Yah! Thanks! I too emailed my address to gracielousquilts@gmail.com
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