So today is my birthday! I love my birthday, doesn't bother me one bit I'm getting older. I think I was the first human being on earth who was thrilled to turn 30. I felt legit, no longer was I embarrassed to admit I had six kids (all by the time I was 27). People would say, "oh (eyebrows raised), you have six kids, you look way too young. How old are you?" and then I would sheepishly tell them I was somewhere under 30. Then the audible gasp and the sheer wonder on their faces as to how on earth I birthed all these children especially since some are sooo brown. The next question of course was, "is your husband black?", the reply would be,..."uhhh, nope, what was your name, I don't believe I know you?" But when I could finally say with confidence, "I'm 30", the questions seemed to end somewhat, mind you, only in Utah could you really find a thirty year old with six kids. Yep, 30 was my friend, Barnum and Bailey packed up when I turned the big 3-0. How old am I now? 35 and I have 7 kiddos the last one is brown and I'm still married to Travis, the love of my life, and he's whiter than a fish belly.
Speaking of Travis, the love of my life. Guess what he got me for my birthday????????????????

I KNOW RIGHT!!!!! ISN'T SHE BEAUTIFUL! SHE'S OLDER THAN DIRT AND HIPPER THAN HIP!!!! I am in love, she's been on my wish list for a v-e-r-y long time, the coolest part is I really had no clue she was comin' to the Parry Plantation. My hubby is a keeper, I think I will make him some minke boxers on this cutie of mine, hee, hee! I am more than giddy, I can't wait to get my hands on her. She is in transit to my house right now as I type. I am in California at the Spindrift Inn on Cannery Row, the hubby makes a huge to do for my b-day ya know. He's just so darn grateful that I entered this world (that's what he told me sweet I know). Anywholoo, she needs a name. I name all my machines, do you? If you don't you should. In celebration of my good fortune, we are going to have a HUGE giveaway. How about, hmmm.....
3 yards of free fabric to 5 lucky winners, all because I am 35! We'll call this game, "It's all in the name". Here's the rules:
Tell me about your name. Don't be shy. Then tell me what we should name my new machine. Here I will go first...My name is Shasta. I was named after the Liger in Hogle Zoo. She is now dead, living in a glass case at the Bean Museam in Provo, Utah. I have no clue why the Liger inspired my dad, but oh well. Something to do with the fact, she was the first born in captivity. Hmm...never really realized the irony there. My dad...felt trapped, captive, stuck, aaaahhhh! Okay, I will end the psychobabble there. Anyway, so I hated my name growing up. Don't mind it now, it's a great conversation starter. I mean really, why couldn't I be named Marci, or Stephanie, or Sandi (I desperately wanted to marry Danny). Not to be, that's just the way it rolled out. I will say this though, if my sweet momma (if you're reading this mom, I love you. It's okay, you were young) had won the name game I would have ended up with these beauties:
SharlyLace yep, one word. I would've been a stripper with that name.
BobbyJo...I would've lived in a...never mind.
So, tell me about your name and most importantly the name of the my cutiepatooty! We'll close this contest this coming Monday. Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me.....Shasta :o)
My name is Sherry and I was named after my mom's sister Sherry. Sherry (the first) drowned and when I was born mom just knew that I was her namesake. It's a bit retro and, except for that period in first grade where I wished my name was Rose Bud, I've always liked it.
As for your machine, I think you should name it Bubbles (because it looks like bubblegum and is totally the machine Bubbles from PPG would use) or Frenchie. I'm leaning to Frenchie. Pink, old, stylish--it just fits.
My name is Jessica Rae. It has no significance except that my Mama liked it! I've always wished there was a story to it. My four girls all have a first and middle name that reflects and ancestor from each side of the family tree (Leah Joanne, Margaret "Maggie" Louise, Mary Rachel, Sarah Jessica). I think you need a good strong "old fashioned" name for your new baby. :) How about Mabel?
My name is Melissa. No significance, just something my parents (and a fifth of the other parents in 1976) liked. It's fine, I suppose, but I never liked being Melissa S. because there were two or three of us. When I named my kids, I picked names I felt fairly confident wouldn't be too common. We ended up with Meredith, Ruthie, Isaac, and Lucy. I hope they will like being somewhat unique.
Anyway, for your birthday spoilage, I (like the previous posters) think old fashioned is the way to go. Maybe Lucy? You can name her after my baby- that's great!
Another random story- my sister is super white and adopted a little black boy. One day she was in an elevator in the mall with a black man who had a very fair skinned daughter. He looked at her and my nephew and suggested, "Maybe we should trade?" It still makes me laugh.
My name is Melissa too, but I only get called Melissa when I am in trouble. other then that I have always been Missy and I think Missy suits me Great! When I was little and heard my dad yell "Melissa!" I knew that was warning #1, I better hurry and get home. when I heard "Melissa Diane!" I knew I better drop everything and run home. if I heard "Melissa Diane Duncan!" I knew it was to late I should run and hide. sometimes my husband yells my name just like my dad just to get a rise out of me, works every time!
as for your new baby....I think she looks like a "Maude Mae" or just "Maude"
I'm Candice Hope. It took my parents 5 years to have me so the middle was either Hope or Faith. I love the Hope! I love the Candice part too- they both decided long before I was born that they loved that name. They couldn't decide how to spell it though- most were "ace" then. Anywho- they were living in Alaska and had a frozen lake on their porperty during the pregnancy, well year round mostly, and Mom would ice skate tons. So "ice" became the ending. I really like my name. Some people say it's old fashioned, but I think it gives me roots!
And Shasta dear, I am swooning over that machine!! Oh my WOW!! I never knew Singers came in PINK- oh my golly, it's on my list now too- you've officially inspired me :) I just got a new Bernina, so it'll be quite a while, but it doesn't hurt to dream :) Have a marvelous bday!! So happy you're being spoiled rotten :) Now a name, hmmmm...gotta be Candy- cause she's just as sweet and she looks good enough to eat! There ya go! Keeping my fingers crossed for such an awesome giveaway- thanks for the chance :)
candy at fiber dot net
I was named after Deborah in the Bible. A little hard to live up to!! I believe your sweet new machine should be called Millie!!
My name is Jalizabeth...yes you are reading that right! That would be Elizabeth with a J because with parents named Joyce and Jeff of course you will end up with a family full of J's (interestingly enough I am the oldest of 7). Pro's about a name like need for mean nicknames in elementary because it was already different and it is a great conversation starter. Con's about a name like mine...spelling it for people everyday, repeating it 2 or 3 times for people who don't know me, and when people just can't wrap their minds around it and end up calling me things like Jezabel or Jalzbeth.
I think your machine should be a Ginger...but with a J of course so call her Jinger. The Duggars would be proud!!
My name is Melanee Anne. I could tell you stories about my name, but somethings should be left in the closet. I was named after 2 people. I won't mention the first (remember the closet theory), but my middle name came from a great, great grandmother Chesty Anne (I am so not kidding).
I always wished my name was Melodee. People already assume that when I spell it. Come one it's Melanee with 2 e's and no I. not hard. I get called Noni, Mishelle (ex husband's wifes' name, real fun), Melissa and all sorts of names.
I think you should name your machine Lucinda.
Shasta- did we go to school together? Payson or SF '93?
My name is Marci--yes exactly spelled the way you spelled it in your post! I usually get the Marcy or Marcie spelling--but it is MARCI! I got my name because my mom said she had a dream that the baby in her tummy was a girl with red hair & she should name her Marci! (I love that story--never gets old for me.)
I think a fun name for your amazing sewing machine should be Marcella!
My name is Brooke. My parents (who were in their 40s when I was born) went on a second honeymoon to Innesbrook, FL. When they came home with a surprise pregnancy, my mom decided to name me Brooke. If I ended up being twins, one would be Brooke while the other would be Innes (I'm glad I ended up with Brooke).
I think you should name your new machine Ginger. Ginger the Singer sewing machine.
My name is Robin and I was born in Connecticut. My father chose my name for the Robin redbreasts that came out each Spring.
I think your machine looks like a Dewaanda. Don't know why, she just looks like one :)
Happy Birthday!!
My name is Shelley. Named after a town in Idaho. My mom's grandfather lived in Burley, Idaho and my mom loved the name of the town Shelley. So, that's it. I've been teased my whole life. Shelley Belly fi fi fo belly. Shelley bowl full of jelly. Smelly Shelley...the list goes on and on.
As for a name for the pink machine. How about Pepper.
My name is Rebecca...named after Rebecca from Sunnybrook farm! My Grandma picked the name for me. Love her, and love it!
As for the machine, I would so call it betsy. good ole' betsy!
Happy Birthday! By the way I loved turning 30! My husband took me to Disney World!
My name is Blakely. When I was born my parents just knew I was going to be a boy. So they went to the hospital with their boy name, but when I turned out to be a girl they had no idea what to name me. They batted around a few ideas and then my grandmother said she had just visted this nice little town in GA named "Blakely". That is how I got my name. I am named after Blakely, GA, and sad to say I have never been there. And it isn't more than an hour from my home town. I love when the weather comes on because the tv always says what the temp. is in Blakely. Also my grandmother gave me her maiden name for a middle name. I love my name! I love that it is different, and there are so few of us. I have actually only have know of three others 1 was a guy and 2 were girls. The hardest part was being in a class with a Hillary and Haley. We all got called the wrong name.
As for naming your machine...Sally. Because it is retro and sassy.
My name is Eliza, I was named after Eliza R. Snow. My mom was in church singing some hymns and saw it at the bottom of the page and thought "Hmmm... that's would be a cute name." That's about it :D I always hated my name because no one else had it when I was growing up. Now, it's become pretty popular so I guess it's alright :D
As for the machine... I would say Matilda. I just think she looks like a Matilda... simple as that!
Happy Birthday Shasta!!! I hope you are having a fabulous day!!! I am the youngest in my family and all our names start with L. Lori was a pretty popular name for "our" generation, so Lori it was! Not something you hear of much any more. The funny thing is that my sisters and I all married men with the last name of C. So we are all LC's.
I just love your sewing machine! When I think of a classic "singer" I think of Barbra Streisand. You could call your cute little machine Barbra or Barb for short. I just hope you enjoy every minute with it!!!
Love, Lori C.
My name is Heather. My mom picked it out. I'm glad she did because my dad wanted to name me Cybil or Porche Ann. Heather is much better.
I think you should name your beautiful new machine LouLou.
Oooo can I enter?!!!! My name is Destri, I was named after a cowboy in a movie who doesn't like guns.
yes....we had the same parents. (Shasta's my sis)
Name her Marilyn, she is wearing white and has curves just like the Monroe...hehehe
Uhhh Des...she's pink. Check your monitor. Shasta
My name is Kira Rae. Kira came from Olivia Newton John, she played a Kira in the most popular movie of 1981, Zanadoo! Have you seen the movie, YIKES! But it a pretty name and I have always loved it. Rae is from my Grandma Lela Rae who died before I was born. I now have a daughter, Karas Rae, my cousin Tiffany Rae has a daught McKenna Rae. I hope the tradition continues.
As for you darling Pink Singer. I love the Frenchie idea, Pink Ladies from Grease. Wow, two Olivia Newton John comments in one post. Gotta be a record!
My name is Tauni. I was originally named Bree, but the day my parents left the hospital with me my mom decided I didn't look like a Bree so they named me Tauni after a girl in their neighborhood, and my middle name became Bree. Tauni Bree. I was so shy growing up and my teachers would always call me Connie, or Toni (I always thought of a fat bald guy in a pizzeria with his white apron on????) I hated it. Some people asked me if I was Hawaiian which always confused me because I am as white and pale as it gets!! I didn't ever love my name but now I like it!
I think you should name your beauty Veronica, she's pink, sassy, yet classy.....or I'd just go with Betty Sue. Can't lose with that one!!
My name is Lori and as one of your other Lori posters said, it was a very popular name for a time. In college I once had 3 other Lori's as roommates, all spelled differently. The other names my parents had to choose from was Marlane (eeww) and Beverly. My cousin, six months younger, ended up with Beverly.
Anyway, I think you should name your little beauty Secondhand Rose from the song in the movie Funny Girl (am I dating myself?)since she's pink and secondhand. Happy Birthday too!
Hi Shasta -- Hope you had a great birthday! My grandmother, Daisy, grew Shasta Daisies so when I saw your name I thought of that. :-)
I am Barbara... Barbara Jean... when my parents had my older brother, they had picked out the name Adranne for a girl... so 9 years later I am on the way and Mom is sure I am a boy, so she is working on boy names. And she says If God gives us a girl we will name her Adranne. When I was born both parents said "She doesn't look like an Adranne".. and then mom said "You know.. her big blue eyes remind me of Barbara S's eyes." Barbara S had been my dad's secretary and she and her hub were friends of my parents. Dad agreed. So they decided on Barbara. And then Mom said she wanted me to have her middle name so I because Barbara Jean... called that by my grandparents.. also called B, BJ, Barb NEVER Babs or Barbie. My mother always rolls her eyes when I tell folks I was named for my dad's secretary!
The first name I thought of when I saw your machine was Frenchie.. since she is a Pink Lady. Candy (for her Cotton Candy color) would work too. But for some reason I really like Frenchie.
Barb C. QuiltingBelle at gmail dot com
Happy Birthday, Shasta!
My parents heard my name and they both liked it so it stuck. However, runner-up name was actually "Farrah." Not kidding. I guess there was a brand of jeans in the 70s called Farrah Jeans. My older brother's name is Justin--there is a brand of boots called Justin Boots. My parents thought it would be clever to name us Justin and Farrah, so they could have "Boots and Jeans." Anyway...
I'm loving the pink color, and I think she looks like a Roxy.
Love the Name Game - Hi my name is Dawn Joy and I was given my first name by the doctor who delivered me... mum was exhausted .. he he... I still keep her an she thought I'd be a boy... sun was rising.. so there is my first name.. i married a Hay and so complained one day about 4 months before we married that mywhole name would have only 7 letters... now it has 10 DH gave me Joy for my middle name as he said thats what I bought into his life...JOY. such a sweet man...
Now for your baby.... hows about Charlotte.... means little and womanly... just like your little beuty.
Hugs Dawn x x
My name is Coreen. I am named after my Grandma's sister who died when she was 8. my middle name is Jo after my other Grandma Josephine. The nurse filling out my birth certificate made a mistake so my official middle name is Joe. Growing up, my dad would call me Coreen Josephine so I always knew when I was in trouble. Now my husband calls me Cory Jo. At least he doesn't use Josephine. :-)
I think you should name your new baby "Pinkie" after Pinkie Tuscadero from Happy Days.
Happy Birthday and have fun this weekend. Take care and God bless, Cory
My name is Denise Annette. My mother loved the French language and thought the name Denise was beautiful. The middle name stems from numerous Anns in my ancestry. I think my parents did a pretty dang good job and it seems to flow well. :)
As far as the machine goes I think you should name her Bertha. I have a great aunt Bertha who was the sweetest, funniest, best UNO player ever!!!! Anyhow, I think the machine just looks like a Bertha - very hip!
By the way, thank you so much for the aging advice. I turn the big 30 on Monday and at first I was nervous, but why should I be?!! Speaking of Bertha I've come to know some amazing older people in my life that I'd love to aspire to be more like. Happy Birthday, Shasta!
My name is Brenda and I have never liked it. All my aunts and uncles used to call me Brenda Lee. Didn't love that either. I don't know why my parents named me that and I used to try and talk my mom into changing it all the time when I was little. I'm over it now (53 years. I think she should be called Princess. She is Beautiful.
My name is Lacy. There was a country singer back in the early 80's named Lacy J. Dalton and my mom really liked the name. No one ever spells it right and you would think that it is the easiest way to spell it, but everyone adds and "ie" or an "ey". Anyways, I like my name and I think it fits.
As for the machine, maybe Betty (as in Boop)? I think she is cute and curvy, just like your new singer!
Well, first, your adorable new addition needs something fun and retro. SOmething spunky and cute like Barbara (you would of course really just call her Babs) or you could go with Bea...she is so purty! And names are tough!
My name is Amanda and my mom said that when she first heard the name it was the most beautiful name she had ever heard. My grandmother fought her tooth and nail on my name saying Amanda was too old fashioned. She referred to me as Marianne the first two years of my life. Mother in laws can be fun, huh? Anyway, my name means "worthy of love" and my mom loved it, so here I am!
She is have to go with frenchie right?
My name is Wendi Diane and I am named after a little girl featured in a toilet paper commercial. My middle name is after my aunt (mom's sister). My father apparently had no say and thought my name was Cindy. I have always liked my name because it is not too common.
Your beautiful new pink lady....I'm thinking Ginger :)
My name is Lisa and my mom just always liked the name. If I were a boy, I would have been David. That's all there is to say about my name, really.
Your honey is sure a sweetheart! Happy birthday, indeed! Ahem, love the minkie boxer idea, by the way.
About naming her, the moment I laid eyes on her I thought of Lucy and Ethel working in the candy factory eating all of those chocolates. Since Melissa said Lucy, I am going with Ethel! Love it, she's a beaut! Congratulations and happy birthday.
Happy Birthday Shasta!
My name is Allison, I am the youngest of twelve, yes twelve. According to my Dad they always liked the name Allison. Every time they would have a baby girl they just never looked like and Allison until me.
I love your new machine! I think you should call her Jenna, or maybe Suzie. :)
My name is Katherine Lyn, but have always gone by Katie. There is nothing super special about my first name except that my parents both loved it. I have always loved that I have a *real* name as well as a fun version. My middle name is after my grandma (Gwendolyn). My parents thought that Katherine Gwendolyn was a little much, which I completely agree with, so it was shortened to Lyn (hence one "N").
I absolutely LOVE your new friend!!! I think she should be named Maggie. It was a popular name in the 30's (when the machine was introduced), and the meaning is "pearl". She is DEFINITELY a pearl!
No matter what, wishing you loads of fun with whats-her-name! :)
Happy Birthday! I a Carolee...I was named for my mother's 2 best friends....Carol and Lee...she combined into one name as she had a family name that she wanted for my middle name...I hope my computer is correct with the color as I see your new machine as pink...if that is correct, I would name her "PINK DELIGHT"
My name is Susan and I am named after my great aunt. I like the name and love that it comes with a ridiculous multitude of nicknames like Susie, Sue, and my nemesis (it's not funny anymore!), "o-suzanna!"
Speaking of good names- someone recommended Millie and I love that! Lucy too! Though my daughter thinks you should name her Princess.
My name is Beulah and I was named after my mother's sister. Also I am the 14th child born to my parents and the 10th girl so I guess names were getting harder. But I go by Boo.
Your machine is a Shirley for sure!
My name is Michaela. In the interest of time I have to make this short. Basically, I am named after my dad, Michael. Mine is pronounced Mi-kay-la, not My-ka-la, or Mi-chay-la....and the list goes on! A little disclaimer like that would have been nice in grade school I tell ya!
For the name of your new gem, since you also love Grease, I thought of an often overlooked, but integral character....Frenchie.
Hi, my name is Donna Marie, kind of a mixture from my Dad, Dominick and my mom Marie. So my mom told me that people would say their names quickly "Dom and Marie" and it sounded like Donna Marie. Anyway, my Dad was Italian and it is a good Italian name meaning Lady Mary.
Your Singer looks like it is a hard worker and is pink. So, it reminds me of the 1940's Rosie (the Riveter).(Before I was born) Women who worked very hard during WW2 while the men were at war. And maybe that is around the age of your machine? So, Rosie sounds good to me since she is pink and will work very hard.
Hi. I'm Julie. My mom wanted to name me Elizabeth at first, but my dad thought it was too long. So, Mom chose Julie. Didn't know any other Julies. Had only heard it once through a distant acquaintance. That was in 1970. Do you know how many Julie's there are from that time period?? It's ok. I'm definitely a Julie.
Favorite color: Pink. What a machine! It reminded me of those Dolly Madison Zingers (from the 70s) that had pink frosting/filing. So I suggest Dolly Zinger Singer. Dolly for short.
Oh what a wonderful birthday gift! My name is Jennifer Louise. My brother named me because he had all sisters and wanted so badly for me to be a boy, so Mom and Dad let him pick my first name. My middle name Louise is my Grandmother's middle name who had a featherweight the same color as your new baby:) It seems like I would name her after my Grandmother, Dolores since your machines match and all:) Happy Birthday and enjoy your gift!
My name is Kara. My mom said she named me after a little girl she thought was cute.
I'd name her Ashlyn. It means dream, and oh my is she ever dreamy. :)
I'm Cathi, but my full name is Catherine. All my siblings have strong "substantial names" we weren't supposed to shorten them, but most of us did. My middle name is after my mom, Patricia, and all of my siblings have parental or grandparental middle names, so we're VERY SUBSTANTIAL!!!
Your baby needs to be played with while eating cupcakes, because it's for your birthday, pink ones with sprinkles of course, so I would name her PINKALICIOUS!!!!!!
(BTW what movie did you see the other night when we saw you at the movie theater? We should've gone out for dinner after!) Love ya, and LOVE your store and LOVE your new toy!
Happy Happy Happy B-day
Now go eat some cupcakes :)
My name is Shirley. I was named after my aunt who was died when she was 16 from injuries of an auto accident the year before I was born. We have the same dimples and I always wished I could have met her. Though my name I feel is old fashioned the older I get the more I grow into it. lol
Love the pink machine, and I agree she needs a name. When I saw her, Betsy is what sprung to mind.
I hope I'm not to late! My name is Brandy and I was named after whiskey!! True story, I have a sister named Sherry, a brother named Jack Daniel and my littlest brother is named Donald Austin, which was the gentleman who manufactured Wild Turkey whiskey. It's all my dads fault!!!! People think it's hillarious! Were all pretty straight laced and none of us drink, beind LDS, but there you go!
I could share a fun story about my daughters funky name, but my comment's getting to long!
As for your BEAUTIFUL lady, I have several suggestions. I love the name Caroline. I also fancy the names Alice, Eliza, Gretchen. Ooh, I have lots of old names that I like. But being such a beauty she deserves a classic, old fashioned name.
Happy Belated Birthday!
My name is Amy. "Plain Jane" Amy. My parents almost named me Jill. Creativity wasn't their strong point :) My middle name is Leigh. Same as my mom's. However, I'm so grateful that I was a girl. Had I been a boy, my name would have been Rocky Logan. Seriously.
As to your beauty, I always like to have a "theme song" that I can hum to while I'm working with it (for example, my car's name is Lola). I think you should name your singer Mrs. Robinson.
My name is Lynn Estrella. I'm Indian (from India not Native American!) and people don't expect me to have what they think of as an Anglo-name. My family is Catholic and they wanted us kids to have short, easy to pronouce names - hence Lynn. My middle name which means "star" in Spanish was my grandmother's name which likely came from the Spanish missionaries from a few hundred years ago as they went through South India converting the indigenous to Christianity.
My 5-year old thinks you should name the pink beauty "Pinkalicious" just like the main character in her favorite book! :)
My name is Katie Jo. I was named after my 2 aunts... one of my Dad's sisters... Kaye, and one of my mom's sisters... Joleen. I did the same with with my little girl when I had her. Named her after my 2 sisters (Brette and Monica... BRENIKA). HAHA.... we're nerdy like that.
As for your CLASSY CLASSY machine... you gotta name her after a Classy Hollywood Starlet... Marilyn. As in... Marliyn Monroe! :)
My name is Michelle. No history behind it. My mom just liked that name. So not interesting, I know!
Why don't you call your new gem Pinky or Pink Lady? Original, isn't it? hee hee! But you did reference Grease, so I had to throw it out there.
Happy Birthday!!
My name is Elizabeth...I wasn't named after anyone, my parents just liked the name. I, however, have always found my name rather stuffy and formal and always wanted a more hip name. In elementary school, my cousin decided to be clever and started calling me "Lizard Breath" because it sounds similar to Elizabeth. But that was nothing compared to the teasing I got for my last name back then. My maiden name was Gross... can you imagine? Once I got married my last name changed to Taylor. Yes, that's right, I'm now Elizabeth Taylor, a much easier name to live with. However, I still get teased as you can imagine. I get a lot of, "Oh your parents must have loved her (the actress)" Whereupon I have to clarify..."No, that's my married name, my parents had no idea." And while switching from Gross to Taylor was rather a relief, now my initials are somewhat unfortunate. You see, without the middle name included my initials are E.T. My middle name starts with an A, so my full name in initials is E.A.T. It's just a good thing I'm not a large woman or the irony would be astronomic!
As for your new baby...I think you should name her Avery because you waited for her a-very long time. :)
Did I mention I met a Michael Jackson once? Yes, the business we were both at were thrilled to have Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Jackson in the same room...
My name is Kristin. Not Kirsten, Kristine or Kristen. Although, there were a lot of those in my class back in the day. My middle name is Erika because I was my parents last chance for a boy, whom they would have named Erik. I don't know why Erika isn't my first name. Hmmmm
Anywhoo...I think you should name that pink beauty Lizzie. She just looks like a Lizzie to me.
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