Yesterday was filled with not fun allergies. My nose is sore, my eyes are sore and my throat feels like 80 grit sandpaper. While I am beyond thrilled that spring is
sprunging (is that a word), it always brings a couple of weeks of miserable side affects. Mr. Parry was on a little business trip, so I was left on my own to deal with all HIS children, all seven of the little buggers. I mean
geez, what nerve right? Who does he think I am...their mother? After counting down the milliseconds till bedtime, I decided to self-medicate and this is how it went...

First, nose spray, then eye drops, finally some pills that promised not to make me drowsy.

Second... a long, hot, bubble bath. My tub looks just like this, fun huh? I totally dig it :o)

Then these. Do you know what these are?
SAMOAS! The God of all things good and wonderful came up with these just for me, I am certain of it. There is absolutely NOTHING on the green earth like them. Don't believe me? Try one, your life will never be the same. I know for a fact that these qualified for an Oprah "Ah hah" moment. If you happen to see one of those cute little girls
peddlin' her Girl Scout Cookies, buy every
stinkin' box she has!

Now the confession...I ate them all. The whole package. Every single cookie. Licked out the crumbs. Chewed on the box hoping it would taste...oh never mind. I really don't know how many come in a package, definately not enough in my humblest of opinions. After my binge, feeding frenzy, moment of insanity, whatever you wanna call it, I went to bed and slept like a baby!
What do you eat in the tub? I'll pick a lucky winner to receive a box of you guessed it...Samoa's!
P.S. I think Diet Coke was mixed in there somewhere.
That is too funny Shasta! I hope you are feeling better.
I love to read...and eat in a bubble bath. Sometimes licorice, or cinnamon bears, or you know whatever I can get my hands on. :)
I personally love to eat grapes, sadly nobody is standing over the tub to feed me, but I still like them even if I have to feed them to myself..
Glad you had some rest... I love to have a glass of Champas and some choc coated strawberrys... yummm pure a bubble bath...
Those Samoas sound yummo....
Hugs Dawn x x
I usually have a cup of peppermint tea or hot cocoa. I love that it makes my insides all extra warm in the warm water, and it's my special treat.
Glad you're feeling a little better. I bought a couple of boxes of Samoas off the GS's outside Sam's club last week. They're hiding in my trunk away from my family. haha :)
I spent three hours and fifteen minutes in the car yesterday shuffling my kids to and from various activities, while the two youngest cried and complained and whined in the back. My drug of choice...? Also Samoas! We don't even have any dang girl scouts in Delta, so I had to grab a box last weekend when we were out of town. (I only bought one box thinking that it would aid in my willpower. Unfortunately, all it has done is reaffirm my desire to go out of town again this weekend and look for more.)
Also, I'm glad to hear there are fellow tub snackers out there. I told someone I needed to take a bath with a cold diet coke and some ice cream once and they thought I was crazy.
Hope your allergies are better! Three of my four kids are fighting the same battle right now. (Mine won't hit until August!)
Frozen vanilla yogart, drowned in choc syrup :) And funny- I thought you were gonna tell us some HUGE secret to get rid of allergies :) Hope they are better soon- they've hit our house too :) Btw, Somoas are the BEST!! Everyone I know thinks Thin Mints are, but they just don't understand :)
candy at fiber dot net
I have to admit that I have never eaten in the tub but.......I have eaten in a drug induced state. I talk Ambien for my sleeping issues and I've been know to eat an entire 1/2 gallon of Haagen Dass Coffee Heath Bar Crunch Ice Cream. Now that is an ugly ugly thing to do. I woke up the next morning sick as hell and had ice cream driplets all over my shirt.
Not a pretty picture. Love the cookies by the way. I just have to remember to take my pills and go straight to my bed or who knows what the heck will be consumed.
Oooh! I love that bathtub! So pretty! I am dull dull dull in the bathtub. All I crave in a hot bath is ice cold water. Love it!
And I LOVE samoas. I would eat a box a day. Hence, I don't buy them. I am still trying to lose baby weight!
Great blog entry - one of my favorites!! I eat Peppermint Ice Cream. The combination of a hot bath and cold ice cream is perfect!
Jajajaja, y pense que solo yo lo hacia, digo comer en la bañera,si lo hago y como papitas fritas envasadas, pero las acompaño con la bebiba no cola preferida:agua.Nunca lo cuento porque me siento un tanto avergonzada de hacerlo, ups. Un abrazo, me encanto tu post.Y espero estar en tu regalo.
This was my EXACT day today! {except I have one child... not seven. my daughter is stacia with all the hair. Remember me/and her?} anyways... I was suffering with miserable allergies too... self medicated myself the exact same way. But tonight during my bath {which was cut short when a spider crawled on the shower wall} I ate Salt Water Taffy's. Totally random... but they had them at Sunflower Market and had some yummy sounding flavors. I sure could go for some Samoas. Oh and a little FYI my sister made a grand discovery at Maceys. Western Family makes a cookie similar to Samoas and they are ALMOST as good.
I LOVE Samoas, they are my absolute downfall.
I like to have sparkly juice in the tub. I don't like food because I don't like to get my soapy wet hands on the food, I guess I am weird like that.
Cherry cordials... Mmmm, makes me want a box right now! After reading your post, Samoas sound like they wouldn't be such a bad bath food either... I mean they ARE Samoas! :D
LOL! Don't laugh... but I used to eat popcorn while reading a book in the tub.
Nowadays I sit back and drink a big slushy (icy slush) glass of crystal light - fruit punch. YUM! I don't like crumbs in the tub. LOL!
Hope you feel better soon!
~Inky Smiles!
Why didn't you bring your Samoa's to work? Were you afraid I would eat them all again!
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